

Sunday School

The Sunday School welcomes children from the age of 3 upwards.  At present, we have 15 children on the register.  We have an average weekly attendance of 10-12 children.

There are 8 teachers who work on a rota basis, teaching in two’s, in blocks of approximately 4 weeks at a time.

We use Scripture Union material.  Children are divided into two age groups, and are taught using the relevant material for their group, i.e. 3-7 years, and 8 years upwards.  Each child has their own workbook containing activities related to each lesson each week.  The children take their worksheets home each week, and some of their work is shown on the Sunday School notice board in the church hall.

The Sunday School organises fundraising days throughout the year to raise money for Sunday School funds which goes towards paying for resources, Christmas Party and presents, Easter eggs, summer outing and books/bibles for end of term prize-giving.  A percentage of the funds raised will be donated to our nominated charity at the end of the session, once Sunday School expenses are met.  Two of our main fundraisers are The Chocolate shop and the Christmas Fayre. 

We also raise money for Christian Aid.  Last year the Sunday School children filled Smartie tubes with 20p pieces and raised  a substantial amount of money which was donated to Christian Aid.

After a successful Christmas Nativity which the children enjoyed performing; the children participated in the Easter Service once again this year.   As in previous years, the children gave a ‘nice surprise’ to the congregation on Easter Sunday!

The children had their Summer Outing on Saturday 29th May at Noah’s Ark, Perth.  .

On Sunday 30th May we finished our Summer term once again with a joint Fun Day with the children and teachers of Redding Church.  This has been a successful event in previous years when we have had a bouncy castle, played rounders . And this was enjoyed by all.  

The end of session Prize Giving Service is to took place on Sunday the 6th June.



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      Laurieston Parish Parish Church of Scotland- Scottish Charity Number:  SC 007383     Redding and Westquarter, Church of Scotland-  Scottish Charity Number:  SC 008787