



Sunday 2 February 2025


Next Sunday 9 February our Service will be held in Laurieston Parish Church at 10am.

Team 1 are on door duty and Team 6 are serving teas and coffees.

Holiday Visiting Cards are available for anyone who will be visiting another church while on holiday; a simple way to pass on greetings from Laurieston Church.


Proceeds to the Refurbishment Fund. A small number of purses and other items made in the Church of Scotland tartan are available for sale in the coffee area of the church. 

Parking outside the church:   access to Dundas Road is being blocked by cars parked outside the church.  We have received a very generous offer from Lawrie Vet Group to use their car park.  If you are able to walk from there, could you please make use of the vet’s car park, and avoid street parking at the top of Dundas Road and directly opposite.  Thank you.

Charity Collections

As a church, we already have a number of fundraising efforts and support various charities throughout the year.  From time to time, members also ask to be allowed to raise money for their own preferred charities on a Sunday morning.  To keep this within reasonable limits, the Board has decided that all such requests should be directed to the Clerk, Mrs Margaret Ferguson, who will give permission for no more than 3-4 appeals each year, with certain restrictions:  people will be given the opportunity to contribute at coffee time after the service, but must not be put under any pressure to do so; and no raffle tickets will be sold.  This policy will be kept under review and may be changed at a later date.

Church Maintenance- We are looking for volunteers for ongoing church maintenance tasks (eg gardening, painting, tidying) in the church and church hall. If interested could you please add your name and contact number to the list in the informatrion area.

Cafe Area- the recently refurbished cafe area is now open for tea, coffee, biscuits and chat after the Sunday Service. Photographs of it in use and under construction are available here. Many thanks to all those who donated their time and enthusiasm allow the project to go ahead.

Volunteers Needed: Polmont Young Offenders Institution Tea Bar are looking for people who can spare a couple of hours to help serve teas, coffees, soft drinks and snacks to visiting family members, many of whom have long distances to travel.

New Elders and Board Members: We are becoming very short of office-bearers in both Laurieston and Redding & Westquarter Churches. If you would like to find out more about what is involved in being an elder or member of the Congregational Board, please speak to the Minister or Session Clerk; likewise if there is someone whose name you would like to suggest. There may also be people who would be happy to visit elderly and housebound members without taking on the full responsibilities of eldership: please let us know if that is the case.

New members: If you are already a member of another church and wish to transfer your membership here, this is very straightforward: just let the Minister or one of the elders know.

Morning Worship next Sunday will be held at the usual time of 10a.m

Hospitals Please inform the Minister if you know of anyone who is hospitalised. Give her their names and ward number if known.

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      Laurieston Parish Parish Church of Scotland- Scottish Charity Number:  SC 007383     Redding and Westquarter, Church of Scotland-  Scottish Charity Number:  SC 008787